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Impact the next generation of changemakers!

Volunteering with FIRST is an amazing opportunity for you to be energized, feel fulfilled, and have FUN. You’ll be inspired when you join our community and feel the energy and excitement that our programs bring to students and adults alike.



Support a Team
Every team needs a leader but they also benefit from technical mentors such as engineers, programmers, and challenge-specific professionals. Also non-technical mentors can help organize food, team attire, and travel.


Interested in working with a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team? Visit our Run a Team page to find out how to start a team or connect with a team using the FIRST Mentor Network. The FIRST® Mentor Network is an interactive platform allowing teams and interested mentors to easily find each other for virtual (or eventual face-to-face) mentorship. The community platform provides new and returning teams access to passionate, engaged mentors, while giving mentors the opportunity to use their unique skill sets and have meaningful involvement with one or multiple teams.


Support an Event
FIRST events are staffed entirely by volunteers. Roles include organizers, judges, referees, photographers, queuers, emcees and game announcers, AV experts. Volunteering at an event is a great way to see FIRST up close and personal.  Most FLL event roles do not require any specialized skills or training.

The minimum age for a volunteer is 14 years old. Most roles are best suited to those over 18 years of age or mature high school students. Team affiliated volunteers cannot serve as judge or referee at the event where their team participates.

Interested in volunteering at a FIRST LEGO League event? You can see step by step directions for registering to volunteer or view a list of event volunteer roles.



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