FIRST LEGO League Challenge Resources
Links to some very useful references, tutorials, and information. Click on a link to learn more.
General Information Resources
FIRST Vision and Mission
FIRST is…(video)
Not a Robot (video)
I Am FIRST: Inspiring Dreamers (video)
FIRST Impact Infographic
Got Questions?
Robot Game questions -
Project questions -
Judging questions -
Team questions -
General Team Resources
Important Team Information
FLL Challenge Participation Rules
Grants may be available for Tennessee FLL teams. For more information, consult the FLL News page.
Robot Table
Official Table Building Instructions (for Competition Tables and Practice Tables):
Alternate Plans for Practice Tables (not for Competition Table use):
Season Specific Resources
SUPERPOWERED Season Reveal Video
SUPERPOWERED Challenge Overview
SUPERPOWERED Challenge Updates - Coming Soon!
SUPERPOWERED Robot Game Rulebook
Coaches Multimedia Resources Guide
Robot Game Video Recording Guide

Team Paperwork
Team Roster
Team Roster: Required at each event where the team is participating. Turned in at event check-in. The roster should include all team members/coaches/mentors in attendance at the event. There are two ways to produce a roster. Choose one:
1) Team Dashboard produced roster
Team members can register for the team via the FIRST Youth Registration System. Registered team members will then appear on the Dashboard produced roster.
There is a “quirk” where the option to apply to a FLL team for a student under the age of 9 will not be presented. In this case, the team member will need to have a signed paper version of the FIRST HQ Consent and Release form and be written in on the team roster.
Only the Lead Coach/Mentor 1 and 2 for a team can invite/accept team members through the FIRST Youth Registration System. The Team Admin role cannot do these functions.
On the Team Dashboard, under Team Contacts/Roster section, click “Contact Options”, choose “Print Team Roster”. On Team Contacts page, click “Print Roster”.
Any team members/coaches/mentors not listed on the Team Dashboard produced roster must be written in.
Consent and Release form requirement:​
Individuals who have a signed electronic FIRST HQ Consent and Release Form on record with FIRST HQ will have a “check” in the “Consent Form” column of the online team roster.
All other individuals, not on the roster, will need to turn in a paper FIRST HQ Consent and Release Form.
Example of a Team Dashboard produced roster.
2) Coach produced roster
Download and customize for your team’s use. Include all team members/coaches/mentors who will be in attendance at the event.
A paper version of the FIRST HQ forms are required for ALL team members/coaches/mentors in attendance at the event.
Consent and Release Forms
Required at each event where a team member, coach, or mentor is participating.
FIRST HQ Consent and Release Form
Electronically signed through the individual’s FIRST account dashboard. Team must be using the “Team Dashboard produced roster” as it indicates that the electronically signed form is on file with FIRST HQ.
OR a signed paper version requested from your regional FLL Program Delivery Partner (PDP) on the Contact page.
Team Information Sheet
Each team should provide a Team Info Sheet at each judging session (three copies.) You can create your own or use this template:
Fillable Team Info Sheet downloads:
Robot Resources
LEGO Resources
Programming Resources
Guide to FLL Programming Options – New this year! “You can use any software that allows the Robot to move autonomously – meaning it moves on its own. No form of remote control is allowed.” This guide is not from FIRST or LEGO, but it is a handy overview of some of the programming languages available from long-time, trusted FLL mentors. Please note that the robot must still move autonomously, venues will not have Wi-Fi access for teams.
Coach Resources for Mindstorms EV3
There are many LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 materials available online.
These have been evaluated to be useful for FLL coaches and teachers (and free!):
Getting Started with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 (Texas Tech GEAR)
Build a basic robot and learn to program motor blocks and four sensors. Course starts with an excellent introduction to the pieces of the EV3. One comprehensive course to get a coach up to speed from no previous knowledge. Videos total 100 minutes.
EV3 Programming Workshop for FLL Coaches (Tony Ayad, LA FLL)
Very comprehensive PDF resource for FLL that covers beginning and advanced programming. Includes everything from basic movement up through using sensors, math blocks, My Blocks, and the gyro.
EV3 Basics for FLL (Jim Keller, GRASP Laboratory at UPenn)
Begins with basic parts of robot and software and ends with strategies for FLL.
Educational Robots for Absolute Beginners – EV3 (Rowan University Laboratory for Educational Robotics)
Detailed course to teach educators to program the EV3. (Sign in with a Google account required, or you can watch just the videos here: YouTube Channel
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Programming Basics (Washington State Library)
Very detailed PDF covers getting started with EV3 programming software and the Move and Flow blocks. Also has 22 companion videos.
STEM Robotics 101 EV3 (Portland State University)
Full curriculum for teaching robotics through the EV3, pulling together other outside resources.
Student Resources for Mindstorms EV3
There are many LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 materials available online.
These have been evaluated to be useful for FLL students (and free!):
EV3 Tutorial (Dale Yocum, STEMcentric)
Lessons using the base education robot. Essential lessons (50 minutes of videos) cover moving, light sensor, and the loop, switch, and wait blocks. Advanced lessons (35 minutes of videos) cover using data and variables as well as multitasking.
Introduction to the EV3 (Christy Xie, FIRST Robotics Canada)
Covers creating a basic program and interacting with the software and the brick in a detailed way in a 28 minute video.
EV3 Lessons (Seshan Brothers)
Plans for 9 simple robots. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced programming PDF lessons covering everything.
EV3 Programming (Blue Angel Robotics)
Lessons from kids for your FLL team on the basics of movement, sensors, and following lines. YouTube Channel with 11 short 2-3 minute videos.
FLL Programming Basics & FLL Advanced Programming (Matt Birkel, FIRST Illinois Robotics)
Beginner 55 minute video starts from the basis of introducing software and programming basics including move blocks and loops and switches. Advanced 54 minute video includes advanced programming topics such as data, sensors, math blocks, and following lines.
EV3 Programming Videos (W.A.F.F.L.E.S. FRC Team)
33 videos covering topics for FLL teams from beginner to advanced topics.
Fun with LEGO MindStorms EV3 for Absolute Beginners (Dr. Graeme)
Short videos cover basics of setting up software and interacting with robot, followed by simple activities. Good source of off-season robot activities. (Material also available as a free ebook.)
EV3 Videos (Builderdude35)
YouTube Channel on various topics from beginner to advanced.
Robotics Building Blocks (Nebraska 4-H)
Videos and worksheets introduce EV3 to students in the broader context of robotics engineering. Simple activities to introduce movement and sensors.
LEGO Engineering (Tufts CEEO)
Blog posts on various topics in EV3 programming such as design patterns, errors, sensor calibration, and driving straight.
Innovation Project Resources
FLL Project Videos
Resources from FLL Community
Some teams like to practice the team building activities.
Here are some pages with sample activities for your meetings:
Volunteer Resources
Volunteer Information from FIRST
FLL and Season Specific Information
FLL Team and Event Finder
FIRST Resources for Finding Teams and Events in Tennessee
You can search the national list of teams and events at the FIRST site. Enter your zip code in the filter on left menu.